Halloween is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see what costumes you have planned for you and your family. However, we want to remind everyone to drive safely. Those streets are going to be packed with goblins, ghouls, and witches, so it’s even more important to stay focused and avoid distractions.
The team at Nordgren Automotive has a few safety tips destined to ensure this night goes off without a hitch; definitely more treat than trick!
Out of sight out of mind. Put that phone aside, so you can focus on the road.
Try to avoid passing stopped vehicles. A parent might be dropping off their child.
Drive slow, and keep an eye out for children in the street. You might see a witch darting out on your broomstick, so it’s important to keep your eyes peeled.
Always yield to pedestrians. This tip might seem obvious, but we wanted to remind you. Often, kids don’t “look left and right” before running out into the street.
Make sure to communicate with other drivers. Always use your turn signals, make sure your headlights are turned on, and so on.
Be aware of children in dark costumes, as it will be more of a challenge to see them.
Drive at least 5 mph under the speed limit, so you have ample time to react.
Also, we recommend brightening up your children as much as possible. Deck them out in reflective gear or have them carry glow sticks, so drivers can easily spot them. It also helps to discuss the trick-or-treat route ahead of time, so you and your family have a cohesive plan.
The hours between 4 PM to 8 PM is the prime time for Halloween trick-or-treating, so make sure to be on guard during this time frame. If you are worried about the visibility of any of your lights, the team at Nordgren Automotive would be more than happy to inspect them before the big day. To schedule an appointment at Nordgren Automotives, call us at (763) 703-1365.