Posted on 6/1/2017

June is here, and that means that we’re entering Summer. The weather is going to start heating up, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to start picking up your warm weather hobbies again. Minnesota has a lot to offer, from hiking, biking, camping, fishing, hunting, rafting, and so much more. If the Summer puts you in the mood for a road trip, we’ve got some ideas for you. Bunker Hills Regional Park. Located in Coon Rapids, you’ve got the option to pitch a tent or stay in cabins. With access to the Bunker Beach Water Park and Bunker Park Stable, and much more while you’re there, you won’t have trouble staying busy. Clearwater Historic Lodge. Over 100 years old now, with your choice of a cabin or a room in the lodge. This is a great jumping off point for many outdoor activities, for novices and veterans al ... read more
Posted on 5/4/2017

It’s that time of year when you might finally get to see your kids after a long semester at school. Now you’ve got them for a couple months, and hopefully are able to spend some quality time together. Ideally, they have returned home with themselves in acceptable condition. And if you’ve raised a great specimen, they might have even brought their car home in great shape, too! For everyone else, now might be a good time check in on what condition their car is in. Even if you taught your kids everything they should how, how many people do you know, children or otherwise, who can pick everything up the first time? Take the time to check in on their car with them, so they can return to school with their car in great shape, and know how to bring it back in great shape for their next visit. Head out to the car with your son or daughter, and before you start the car, see if there are fluid leaks, and make sure the tires are in good shape. Then start it up an ... read more