Monthly Archives: October 2019

8 Most Preventable Car Problems

Most of the auto repairs we encounter could have prevented with routine maintenance. Usually, these car problems could have been prevented by preventative maintenance and an inspection performed by a team of competent technicians. Here are 5 of the most preventable car problems:  Transmission Replacement: Routine maintenance and an inspection of your transmission fluid can prevent a transmission replacement and save you money.  Cracked Head Gasket: If your head gasket cracks, coolant would flood your engine and damage other parts of your vehicle. Routine check-ups at Nordgren Automotive would mean our technicians could examine your head gasket and hopefully stop a leakage from occurring.  Catalytic Converter Replacement: With the right maintenance, your catalytic converter can last as long as your vehicle does.  Timing Belt Replacement: Your timing belt makes sure your engine’s valves open and close at the same time, and a timing belt replacement can be ea ... read more



Give Me A Brake For A Good Cause (Brakes for Breasts)

When we think of October, we think of Halloween, fall leaves, and even pumpkin spice lattes. What about brakes for breast? Brakes for Breast is another even that happens in October, and this event is all about braking for a good cause -- breast cancer, to be exact.  What exactly is brakes for breasts? Developed by the Cleveland Clinic Breast Cancer Vaccine Research Fund, this fundraising event is geared toward developing a vaccine that might be able to free the world of breast cancer. Funds gathered through this event will proceed this research that has the potential to change so many people’s lives.  How can you get involved, and how does brakes for breasts work? During October, more than 100 independent auto repair shops from across the United States are offering free brake pads to their customers. For every brake service performed, each customer will receive their brake pads for free; all they have to pay for the labor and any other parts. 10% of that brake servic ... read more

