Posted on 11/1/2018

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you saunter out of the house, travel mug in hand, whistling a tune as you hop into your car...only to pound your head on the steering wheel minutes later as you crank and crank and crank the key because your engine won’t start? Or have you ever left work late or been traveling somewhere miles from home, maybe even in the dark or rain, and had your car simply break down on the side of the road? Both of these events are frustrating, upsetting, and sometimes even scary. Do you sit in your car waiting for the tow truck or a helpful friend to rescue you, wondering what you might have done wrong? Were there any steps that you could have taken to try to avoid at least some of the most common car problems? Well, we’re glad you asked! Some of the most common car problems can leave you stranded out on the road, but there are things you can do to prevent them (or at least somewhat minimize the frustration when problems do occur). Your Ca ... read more