Posted on 6/30/2020

In a small workshop behind his home, Henry Ford built his first vehicle. After the formation of the Ford Motor Company, the first Ford car was officially assembled in July 1903. From then on out, Ford vehicles and subsequently, all other makes of cars became the embodiment of freedom. Cars represent the freedom to make choices, to go places, to explore new paths, and to, of course, travel down new roads, even those unknown and unexplored. Because of our vehicle, we all have the opportunity to “hit the open road,” blast our favorite song, and leave our worries behind. Vehicles represent what we love the most of America -- our freedom. Fourth of July celebrates the birth of American Independence, and our vehicles are the product of our desire for freedom, choice, and independence. It is easy to get bogged down in the facets of everyday life. We have to sit in rush hour traffic to make it to that morning meeting across town, or we might have to race to the grocer ... read more