Monthly Archives: January 2018

Are You Ready to Handle a Roadside Emergency?

At Nordgren Automotive, we aim to prevent you, your passengers, and your vehicle from being stuck on the side of the road. Unfortunately, our proactive approach to auto repair doesn’t eliminate your chances of ending up in a tight spot, and our team believes it always better to be safe than sorry. That’s why we want you to be ready for a roadside emergency. Here is a list of items you should keep in your vehicle at all times:   Fully Charged Cell Phone: Your car breaks down, you reach for your cell phone, and you realize your handy device is completely dead. Nobody wants this situation to happen. That’s why it’s important to make sure your mobile device is fully charged before you hit the road, especially if you head out on a road trip. First-Aid Kit: This item seems like a no-brainer, but make sure your first-aid kit includes gauze pads and bandage tape, aspirins, antiseptic wipes, scissors, antiseptic cream or ointment, Band-Aids, rubbing alcohol, an ... read more

