Posted on 2/29/2020

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there is an average of 950,000 automobile accidents due to the rain, resulting in 4,700 deaths and 384,000 injuries per year. To avoid these accidents and get that huge number lower, it is important to learn how to drive safely in the rain, especially with spring showers coming up. The team at Nordgren Automotive is here to help with these five tips for driving in spring showers: Take time to stop and think: Many of us drive subconsciously out of habit, but when it starts to rain, we need to stay alert and focus on our surroundings. Don’t forget about your headlights: It is a law in all states for drivers to turn on their headlights when visibility is compromised. In some states, it is also a law for drivers to turn on their headlights when their windshield wipers are on. These laws are there for a reason -- they are your first line of defense against the elements. Be careful of hydroplaning: All you need is ... read more