Posted on 4/1/2018

Earth Day is April 22, so the team at Nordgren Automotive thought it is the perfect time to learn how to drive greener. At our auto repair shop, we aim to always be conscientious of how our actions can affect the environment. That’s another reason we thought it would be beneficial to highlight how to drive greener. Make sure tires are inflated to the right pressure. If you are not using your vehicle’s roof and cycle racks, remove them to reduce drag. Accelerate and brake smoothly. Try to avoid using higher gears, along with revving your engine. Don’t make special trips to the gas stations, as you can just work it into your route on your way home from work or school. Idling is not environmentally-friendly. Idling for only 20 seconds burns more fuel and emits more CO2 than turning your car off and on during those 20 seconds. If you are stuck a light or in a drive-thru, just put your car in neutral. Along with following the tips above, our team at No ... read more